Restored Sattva

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A snack idea

One of the greatest things you can do for your health, according to Ayurveda, is to eat 3 meals a day. This gives agni, or your digestive fire the break it needs to digest each meal you consume but also consistent intake to keep your gut fire strong. Not only this, but a person will be able to shed excess weight and maintain his or her ideal weight by following this guideline alone.

Should someone need a snack, whether a pregnant or breastfeeding woman or those who are active, an easy to digest snack is encouraged at least 3 hours away from a meal. One could try cooked fruit, a warm cup of milk simmered with spices or my favorite snack currently is some nuts and dates with some ghee. Easy to digest snack includes some walnuts, pecans, a fresh date and some homemade ghee.

Dates enhance ojas, our vitality, and one or two daily is a great addition to anyone’s diet, supporting overall mental well-being. Nuts contain the vitamin E and omega 6 fatty acids our heart, skin and brain need to maintain their strength while ghee offers us the beautiful nourishment our tissues and joints thirst.

enjoy :)