Restored Sattva

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Creating the space for healing

The body always wants to heal.

And no matter what we are facing in our body and emotions, our body wants to deal with it; it wants to feel good and be whole.

We tend to fixate on the things we can take to feel good in this life.

We want to take something to give us health.

Do we ever consider that our body just needs us?

We seek secrets.

But there is no secret.

There is no secret to bringing the body into Sattva, or wholeness. We only need to step aside from getting in our own way.

It starts in the mind.

It becomes a question, a daily question and concern of, “how can I support my mind?”

If our cells can change by thought, by stress, even perceived stress, how much more then is the pain we are experiencing in our mind and body directly linked to the condition or state of the mind?

When a body is in pain, or dealing with a chronic illness, and emotional disabilities, it more than ever needs time and space.

What does time and space look like?

Time is being patient. Patient with self during its limitations and actual time in letting the body heal. Whether that is months or years, giving it that time to do so, while having the faith for healing.

Space is the creating opportunities for self to go within; adding more quiet moments to the day, for the body’s stress levels to come down.

Space from excess food consumption, processed foods, and high sugary foods. Filling that space with nourishing self care rituals instead like meditation, self massage, applying oil to the body, body scanning awareness practices, and simply sitting in the sun and having cups of hot water.

Space from excess in lifestyle such as multitasking, talking, exhausting entertainment and not being present in the moment. Filling that space with quietness, being present with those you love, taking in the small, small details of life, and slowing down thoughts and the speed in which you work.

The body wants to heal.

We just need to give it the time and space to do so.

And if in that time and space we want to add some supporting herbs and certain nutritive foods and exercise, we can.

However, nourishment and support of the time and space must be our focus.

When in doubt and when in confusion, consider remembering just a few things -

*I do not need a lot of food or a lot of exercise. Just a right amount.

*I do need to prioritize rest in the forms of meditation, contemplation, time in nature, time doing nothing, lollygagging with my children, being child-like away from adult duties, less multi-tasking, living in the moment, perhaps adding some yoga nidra or other relaxation techniques and awareness practices.

*Prioritizing home cooked, whole food meals in small quantities, eliminating processed foods and high sugary foods, reducing outside food and adding supporting herbs.

  • *Prioritizing sleep, sunshine, water, meditation, and time with family.

What are some ways you are supporting yourself to heal from the things you’re experiencing in your body?

Journeying together,
