Restored Sattva

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Living in the Gray

I’m living my life.

And I’m living it in the gray area.

Living life in the gray means we can throw away judgment and embrace our God given journey.

The gray area allows for creativity and experimenting. It allows for mistakes and growth. The gray area most definitely delivers accepting self and others.

In the gray area, there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to feeling well in life. When I am asked a question by any one of my dear clients, my answer is usually, “well, it depends” because what may be considered medicine for one person, may prove to be poison for another. In getting to know yourself more, the gray area brings allowances for navigating life on your terms.

If there is anything you hold within your heart after speaking with me, I hope it to be the confidence coupled with the freedom to go into your life and to create whatever it is you are hoping for.

There is no longer black or white, right or wrong, or good or bad when it comes to diet and lifestyle. There is only - you and confidence in what choice you choose in any given moment. I have lived in the black and white and am most convinced that these are harmful practices and ways of thinking that only hold us back from a joy filled life. Living with a white and black mindset is like putting dirt onto a burning fire - putting out the soul’s fire; the soul’s burning desire to live. The soul burns like a wick. It desires to live, to breathe, to feel, to be free from constraints, resistance and even desire. The soul seeks contentment, nourishment and lightness…adventure and curiosity. How can the soul acheive any of this within a black and white path?

Yes, we do need clarity and sometimes a kick in the pants and that is where a confidante or guide comes in at certain seasons of your life, to shed some ideas and enlighten (and lighten) the heart. What we don’t need is being pigeonholed. What we don’t need is making simple shifts into some complex problems.

I encourage you today to seek the gray …(Oh, that rhymes :-)

Seek the gray, seek lightness, seek to be light-hearted in all you do. It will surely make a difference in your goals.

Journeying together,

Kari Prabhakar