Restored Sattva

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I am a Woman

I am a woman. I am a healer”

I am strong and I am resilient.

I am confident and I am sure.

I am a creator and not a destroyer of life.

I am a woman.

And in being a woman, I hold unique and precious healing qualities. Woman are the nurturers and nourishers of life. We’ve been dumbed down throughout the generations but mankind exists because of her. Secretly, woman are revered. We hold great power that is feared. We carry life within our own body. We bare the breasts that nourish the young. Our presence holds great influence of healing or destruction. We embark on courageous and meaningful work. We are strong and capable, confident and sure of our path. We are the gentleness the earth is constantly seeking. There is also a leadership quality in us; a leadership that walks aside men. And when we follow the assignments given us, we grace men to do as they have been called. A healer is a leader and requires intention, attention, softness, silence, summoning, discipline, selflessness, and perseverance amidst ones own personal inner and outer conflicts. There is no greater ambition in the world than to nourish and nurture another soul towards a joy filled life. This goes on to heal the most sacred parts of us and for the whole human race, it is within the intimate connections we make with others that go on to heal the rest of the world as we each choose to shine life on one another.

“Do not wait for leaders. Do it alone. Person to person. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” Thank you to mother Teresa who spoke these words.

Journeying together,
