Restored Sattva

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Immovable – A Contemplative Thought

There are the pressures of life that cause us to want to quit but there is also this hidden desire to be and to become the person God wants us to be. Exhaustion floods over our body yet at the same time we’re driven to undertake a new project of some sort in hopes it will bring us closer to where we want to be. Where does God want us to be? In effort to be, we do. Perhaps we need to just be, in His presence, in nature, and allow our mind to dwell on Him. That way our doing will be from our being, not us trying to be through our doing. Then our faith can come from our actions which will have been worked on from learning to just be. If we don't learn to be, our actions will be futile. 

Guilt overtakes us as we yet again dolly in vanity – sleeping in – eating too much ice cream. Why is it so difficult to keep discipline? To establish good habits? It is far too easy to establish bad ones. We certainly war against our flesh – but our flesh wins the majority of the time. Oh how we all would love to come to the place of IMMOVABLE.

Not easily swayed. Fixed. Steady. Secure. Set. Unbending. Resolute. Firm.

Immovable from the path we know God has set us on – the path He has set before us. What does it take? Lord, what does it take? What would my life look like if I were the person you wanted me to be, the person they (my family) needs me to be? How greatly would my family benefit? So greatly.

Then after the flood of exhausting, hopeless, overwhelming thoughts, we stop and consider this point that the Holy Spirit speaks to our spirit – “This is a journey. One that will pass quicker than you’ll know it. Take it one day at a time. You are not called to perfection but to growth. Grow, like a tender plant, into a beautiful reflection of Me. To grow, you need good food. That is my Word. To grow, you need loving care. That would be my presence that is always with you. To grow, you need to give yourself patience. Do not be in a rush yet always have the goal before you. I am for you; never against you. Count your blessings. Name them one by one. Count your blessings, see the things I’ve done. Have confidence in this. Let your mind be steady and set on me. Let your eyes be fixed on Me. Let your heart be Immovable towards Me. Rest in Me while you live.”

On this journey together,
