Restored Sattva

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Living My Best Life NOW

There is fear in new beginnings. Sure. But there is also opportunity-the opportunity to live your best life. Growth doesn’t happen in our comfort zone. Growth requires risks and discomfort. We do not need to shy away from new beginnings, or change, for fear of the unknown. It is a choice, a very personal choice each one of us must make, to live our best life now, not later, and to take the necessary steps every day to creating the life we envision. For it we don’t, life will pass on by, life will happen, and it may not be what we hoped for. It doesn’t matter what people think or say about your dreams (or don’t say). And it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work out and we try something else. It’s all part of our life experience. It’s all about exploring life to the fullest and reaching soul deep. It’s what we discover about ourselves through the growing years. It isn’t unto men we rise or fall. It isn’t even to ourselves that we rise or fall. Unto God do we rise or fall. In other words, as Galatians puts it, I am dead, been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life I now live I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me. God’s power lives inside the believer, enabling his spirit to rise up and accomplish things beyond himself and to pursue life with purpose and passion. It is not the judgment of man or of myself that I must be concerned about. Surely, I will always let someone down, or even betray my own good sense. Thank God His love is unconditional. I can do nothing to earn His love or salvation. Whether I rise and succeed or I fall flat on my face for trying, I am only concerned with living bravely and living my destiny with confidence. I am only concerned with my creator and His opinion of me. And I already know what He thinks - anyone who comes to Him by faith is His child forever and there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. How’s that for some confident living!

Journeying together,
