Restored Sattva

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My Lasagna - My Freedom

My lasagna. My freedom

I am finding myself digging deeper into my Italian roots and as I do I am reminded of childhood memories and the love of my mother and grandparents. It feels so healing to venture outside of what I had set aside as not an ideal diet. I feel so much mental and emotional freedom and spiritual warmth just in living, enjoying and loving every moment of not judging everything! I am going to enjoy the moments and enjoy the little things because life goes so quickly. So I’m going to dance to the music, sing out of tune, eat the cookie my child is feeding me, and love everyone with a fierce fire! This is all reminding me not to suit yourself into a box but to let your mind and heart be as expansive as the ocean, considering all ways of being and doing in life.

Journeying together,

-Kari Prabhakar-