Restored Sattva

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I can take what I did yesterday and drown my eyes in sorrow or I can use it to build a beautiful tomorrow. The seeds of my past will grow regardless of my actions, but the soil I use will influence my future differently. The soil of remembrance will bless but the soil of regret will destroy. Remembrance of what? Remembrance of who I am.

Remember who you are. Don’t lose this. People will paint us however they want but only we can feel our own soul. And don’t paint over your flaws or mistakes, pretending they don’t exist. They are the very building blocks of who you are becoming. How your future unfolds depends on how you think about yourself, and what you believe about yourself because it influences how you treat your body, mind and spirit. It decides what you do or don’t do with the life given to you. Let this be the last moment that you base your opinion of yourself on what others think or how they’ve treated you. Your creator thinks you’re awesome. The Bible says God is for us; He is not against us. He loves us, believes in us, and sees our potential. He created you beautifully: no need to ever compare. A special and unique person; never a copy. Everything up to this moment, all of your experiences, every person you’ve met, everything that was ever done to you, has influenced who you are today. God can use all of it to give you a life that you will love waking up to every morning. You needn’t be weakened in spirit with the baggage of the past that holds painful memories. God says he is working ALL things for good. We can have that transformation if we believe God can do it. This faith will allow us to live a life of purpose and passion. So, maybe you’ve lost yourself. Maybe you’ve never had anyone deposit meaning into your life or there have been people who made you doubt love existed. Maybe you’ve felt misunderstood. Hope is not lost. Find what sets your soul ablaze, seek truth and meaning in existence, and take the steps towards redeveloping your life. You can do this, friend. Your creator is with you, just call out to him.

Journeying together,
