Be in Charge of Chronic Fatigue Right Now with these 3 Easy Self-Care Practices
You can be on victory’s side of chronic fatigue.
Living with fatigue or ME/CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a very difficult thing to face every day. Those of us who struggle with keeping energy up throughout the day or who feel exhausted upon the slightest bit of physical activity, want to feel more in control of our life than we do.
If you haven’t yet, consider daily self-care practices that you do every day (just like you brush your teeth everyday) that help to keep your mind calm and your body just a bit more able (which comes from a calmed mind).
While you are finding ways to heal, give a few moments of your day to taking care of you. Try these 3 easy self-care practices that you can do right now.
Chronic Fatigue Self-Care Practices You Can Do Right Now to Manage Fatigue:
Mindful moments - instead of the word meditation (which tends to scare off many), seek what I like to refer to as mindful-moments starting with the first part of your day, after every meal and before bedtime. Half the healing we seek comes from relaxing the body consistently enough so that it can do it’s job. A body that experiences a chronic, consistent stress response, holds onto pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and excess fat (which only makes matters worse). Whether you are in a chair at work, at a cafe, or at home on the couch, relax your body upright, eyes closed, and bring your attention to your breathing. You may like to also bring your awareness to different areas of your body. Where there is pain - notice the pain. Where you feel comfortable - embrace that comfort with gratefulness. If you hear any noise - acknowledge it briefly, or if you smell anything in particular, acknowledge all of your sense organs. Doing this brings you to a single moment in time where your mind is single-y focused. It is a very loving and mindful way of being that is also very healing to a tired body.
Rub your hands together and press them over your eyes - the heat you create with your own two hands is a very healing energy and when placed over closed eyes and over the facial muscles, you will feel a calming essence surrounding you (as if you just came out of a spa). Take a moment to do this several times. You can also imagine each stroke washing away the residue of the day or any thoughts or pains you hold within - let stuck things go.
Breathe slowly out - inhale at a regular pace but exhale more slowly. Repeat this several times with eyes closed for however long you can or until you feel you’ve rested your senses and brought your awareness back to yourself.
Chronic fatigue does not need to get the best of you. Remember, you always have a choice in how you feel at any given moment. When it feels like too much, bring yourself back and find ways to make it work for you.
If you would like guidance and an alternative solution and understanding to your chronic fatigue, consider working with an Ayurveda professional. Click below to find out more on how this ancient science can bring you optimal health and increased well-being.