A Winter Morning Routine

I am always inspired to read, learn and hear the finer details of life and how others have structured their living. I also like to be an inspiration to others, fine tuning my own life cords to be of service to myself and those suffering. I’m excited to share this beautiful morning routine that I have carefully thought out for this winter season.

Why Routines?

Routines, whether we like them or not, are naturally a part of nature and a part of our day (yes, even for those who think they are not routine type people). If you wake up and brush your teeth, you are acting on routine. The sun rises and the sun sets. Seasons come and seasons go. We have three main meals a day. All habits, all routine.

Routines help us to feel that little bit of control that we need in our lives in order to live a healthy and stable existence. We’ve all felt the impact of no routine, or lost routine. The mind becomes numb with senseless driving’s and feelings of being lost. We become a little lazier and goals take the back door. Mentally, our strivings weaken and we are carried to and fro on mere whim and happenstance.

Tradition is out the door when there is no routine - example, your nightly reading to the kids before bed or lighting of a candle upon waking - these small traditions stem from routine that bring warmth to home and heart.

A Winter Morning Routine

Winter, in my opinion, is the perfect time of year to wake up a little bit later and snug under the blankets a little bit longer. Consider waking later than you normally do. Some may say this increases the feelings of laziness but we can see it as a needed hibernation and rest from life’s constant strivings.

Once awake, do so slowly, making your way to the bathroom to get yourself ready and yes, presentable, unless of course it’s a Saturday morning ;)

Energize mind and body by exercising both, choosing your favorite ways to do so. I’ve come to trust the fact that if you like it, you’ll do it. Choosing exercises you like, will make you want to stay consistent at it. If you like running, then run. If you like walking, then walk. If you don’t like squats, try a lunge or leg lifts. If you like dancing, do that. Less complicated and more focused on the goal of moving the body, getting your blood and lymph flowing and waking out of the grog.

Afterward releasing all from body, your mind is now ready to sit and taken in. Choose morning moments for your mind that you enjoy. If you like reading, read. If you would rather listen to someone talk (ie. a sermon), then listen. If you like to watch something inspiring, watch. Whatever you do choose, make it uplifting and inspiring. Let it feed your soul. Connect your spirit with your creator, allowing sweet redemption to come into your being.

Prepare your breakfast from whole ingredients. Honor yourself this way. There are many things you can make that are not time consuming, such as wheat or rice porridge cooked with nuts and sweetened with maple syrup; quick whole grain pancakes served with ghee and honey or instant dosa also called uttapam cooked with ghee and vegetables on top.

Find below a beautiful rythmatic winter morning routine. Use it to inspire your own routine, adding and taking away where it suits your unique lifestyle.

A Morning Winter Routine

Wake at sunrise

Winter : 730 or 630 am

Wash up / get ready for the day

Includes tongue scraping, brushing teeth, washing face, face care, brushing hair, oil applied to the body (at least upper body), apply a little color to the lips for women and some plant oil perfumes

Get 20 minutes of physical exercise - begin with cardio (ie. bounce on a rebounder, walk on a treadmill, leg lifts in place) followed by a couple body weight exercises (ie. lunges, mountain climbers) followed by a couple of exercises with weights (ie. Arnold press, bicep curls) then end with cardio again (ie. walk/rebounder/outside brisk walk) End with a couple yoga asanas (ie. happy baby pose, warrior I)

Shavasana (corpse pose) then pranayama

Breathing and prayer in the same spot every morning. Light a candle bring the light within you. Stare into its fires. And rest.

Start breakfast

oats/cream of wheat/ upma/ poha/ uttapam

Eat breakfast by 830 am

Live inspired and go on to be an inspiration back to others.

Journeying together,



What is Your Story?


Making Time for Pause