Being a towering woman

What does it mean to be a towering woman?and why would a woman want to be one?

A towering woman is a strong woman.

A brave woman.

A woman who perseveres for what she deems as worthy and important.

This doesn’t mean she has control of everything that happens in her life.

She has no control over how others treat her,

Or in how those who once loved her have changed,

But she does have control over how she handles situations,

How she deals with people,

How she uses her kindness and forgiveness for the nourishment of not only her own soul but others.

How her temper and temperament dictates the feel of a room,

The temperament that serves as a compass to the daily short term and long term decisions of her family.

Yes, she knows that she has no control over anything in this world but that which she feels and expresses within and outside of herself.

And knowing the worth of her soul,

She invests in it,

She invests in her heart - for out of it reveals the condition of her very being.

Woman are special for the one of many facts that they set the example and temperature of her loved ones.

And whether they bare children,

They are child bearers and kingdom keepers.

There would be no society without a woman,

Without a woman’s touch,

Grace and duty.

That is why a towering woman will be her most empowered self when she has a hold on things, including control over her spirit.

A spirit not overtaken by this world,

By the pain,

Mistakes or shame,

Disabilities cannot shake her,

She shakes the world with her presence,

The heritage of decorum and modesty of character that belongs to her.


To be extremely tall when in comparison to its surroundings,

Of exceptional worth and influence

Of great intensity.

She is fire and she is rain.

She is a rightful oxymoron of sunshine and thunder.

For from above her stands the Lord who strengthens her

And from beneath her lay the enemies who try to defeat her.

She acknowledges the simple beauty that surrounds her,

The simple truths that engulf her into a rhythmic dance with the creator,

The simple and beautiful life that awaits her if she will only follow the winds of her spirit and let go of the bondages and holds the enemy of this world tries to hold her to.

The lies the enemy uses to quench the beautiful reality of her being.

What is a towering woman’s beautiful reality? - that she is a woman.

And the enemy fights heaven for her because he knows her worth,

He knows her strength,

Her capacity to change. everything.

And what is the greatest threat to the enemy? - that she be a woman.

And so the enemy tries to distract her,

Make her unsure,

Make her uncertain,


And reminds her of things that make her weak.

Yet a towering woman - has been touched by God’s mercy and Grace.

That is why she is able to be a tower in a small and insecure world.

She is aware.

She is honest.

She is sure.

Her spirit is tall.

She can see.

She can see herself.

She has height of perception

And with it lives a beautiful life.

She grows through pain. But doesn’t hold the pain.

She doesn’t wait for healing. She is the definition of healing.

She walks a symphony that doesn’t allow for carrying of life’s baggage’s.

That doesn’t mean she is careless.

She is careful, she is attentive,

She is the sap of a tree,

Always abiding.

But for a purpose,

Not just to abide.

She can see the privilege it is to be a woman.

And by being herself - the lives around her, and the life within her, and the life that could come to be born from her - are blessed.

She does not believe in the lies of society,

The lies that try to convince her of the need to “find” herself for she has already been found in Christ the day she was thought of in the mind of the Almighty.

She boldly stands as a beautiful, and precious bride,


And strongly passionate to forge on the path of fortitude.

A towering woman holds herself.

She holds regard for herself.

She is the epitome of beauty

And knows it

And holds that truth inside her mind,

And inside her heart as she lives.

That is why a woman should never feel guilty for the little bit of time she takes to recharge, refresh, and do the things that keep her healthy and happy.

From out of her will come great and mighty things that Lord has willed for her life.

And all who come across her will feel refreshed,


And full of faith,

That there is purpose in life,

There is hope for the future.

Journeying together,



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