Restored Sattva

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“I’m free”

i’m free

Bondages are the things that really choke the life out of us and keep us from reaching our full potential. There could be the bondage of addiction, fear, attachments, even allowing our pursuits to bind us from enjoying our life here and now. By giving attention to whatever it is that we find holds us back from life, we are able to take the first step in finding freedom.

As I prepared my first video on depression (can be found on Restored Sattva’s YouTube channel), I am reminded that this life is temporary. Sure, the struggles are real. Very real. Sometimes intense, and we want out. But be reminded, this is only the beginning of all the things God has prepared for us. Even the best moments that we experience in our lives cannot come close to the things God has planned for His creation long after this life is over. The JOY is coming! Happiness is an emotion, however fleeting. Joy, on the other hand, is assurance, no sorrow can overcome. The loving and being loved of God is the ideal perfection of human life and Jesus says in John 15, “These things I have spoken to you, that MY joy may remain in you, and that YOUR joy may be full.” But this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t strive to live an enjoyable life. Such an honor to use our abilities and capabilities for a higher purpose and to experience an unbound and freed spirit. Even now, God offers us joy. Writer Rick Warren describes joy as, “the settled assurance that God is in control of all the details of my life, the quiet confidence that ultimately everything is going to be alright, and the determined choice to praise God in every situation.” Life has so many challenges. We should expect pain. Pain will always remain a part of this life. But we are very much able to keep that quiet assurance of Gods love in our hearts and carry that into every moment and into every struggle all while keeping faith in the JOY that is yet to come. It ain’t over folks! Now get up, and ENJOY your life. Nobody going to do it for you!

Journeying together,
