The best medicine is..

The best medicine is

To be happy!

Happiness is healing.

It comes from an emotion deep within ourselves and changes the way we feel and the way we think about life and about others.

And best of all,

it requires just a change in perspective.

If we can change the integrity of our cells by stress and anger, and if this ongoing nature of ours can create disease, how much more can we support our cells, and further more, our soul, when we are happy?

Happiness is an all encompassing theme to a life well lived.

To be grateful.

To realize that this life is temporary.

To make it count.

Work hard.


Fail and struggle.

Absorb this life like a sponge.

We are here but for a short while.

Life lived in self-pity, doubt, or anger,

is not a life well lived.

We will miss out

on the beauty of life.

Is it always possible to choose happy?

maybe not.

But can we present this opportunity to ourselves more often?

Absolutely! Because happiness IS a choice!

If we leave things alone,

we allow them to heal.

This is my faith

going forward.

Leave some things alone. Physically.. mentally, emotionally… leave some things alone. Let the healing start. Let the healing continue. Choose happiness anyways.

Choose happiness anyways.

Yes, the best medicine

is to be happy.

To make the choice that

“I will be happy.”

“No. I will not go there

in that lousy thought that only steals my life away.

I will choose to be happy

And then I will BE happy.”

It really can be

that easy.

And happiness is


It will benefit every person around you.

Embrace what is before you this very moment.

Before this moment is gone.

For after all, life is too short to not be happy!

Journeying together,

Kari Prabhakar


Perspective on Disappointments: A Path to Holistic Healing
