Restored Sattva

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Processing Life

My face takes on many forms. Ironic in the sense that it’s still me but depending on which side of my face is towards the camera, the lighting, angle, hair up or down, what I’m wearing, smile or frown, I can look completely different. An asymmetrical face; neither sides of my face are identical. Irony in that being I’m a Gemini where my personality can change from day to night and all excitement and mystery in between. Reminds me of life; it’s never the same. One day can look completely different from the next. And as life evolves so do our ideals, our likes, our passions and drive for living. Even from moment to moment we may find ourselves mentally and emotionally changing and that’s okay. The process of life, the deepening of awareness, breaking open our hearts like a lotus coming up from the mud. It’s all going to be okay as long as we keep the faith that there is purpose to our joy and purpose to our pain.. and as long as we understand it’s okay to experience the ebb and flow called life.

Journeying together,
