Refreshing Yourself when You've Grown Weary


And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not. Galatians 6:9

Weary – tired, exhausted, dismayed, drained, tired out, worn out, fed up, to lose patience.

Antonym – Fresh, Re-freshed.

Just when you think you are on top, you fall to the bottom. Just when you think you have it all figured out, have all the strength, the determination, the know how, the will, the CONTROL, you hit stone and rubble.

Don’t grow weary.

When you’ve been working so hard towards a goal, when you see no results, when you no longer believe. When you are so close to throwing in the towel.

Don’t grow weary.

You’ve been doing good. You’ve been successful, prevalent, determined, anticipating, driven.

Don’t grow weary in doing this amount of good. Your reward is coming. You have sown good things and you shall also reap good things.

As in every area of our life, the Lord wants us to persevere through the troubles. He doesn’t want us to give up when the going gets tough. When it’s tough is when victory is that much more important and that much closer to becoming a more knitted part of us. Let the Lord weave His strength into our heart and into our habits. We can do it because He is our Helper in time of need.

Sure you may not see any changes or maybe not enough changes in return for your vast amount of effort, but it doesn’t mean nothing is happening. Ten years from now you will be paying for the choices you made today. Ten years from now is how long it may take for you to see what you are doing today really matters. Of course, you can see even sooner results from your decisions, but taking care of yourself and your family in mind, body, and soul, is never a waste. Keep going. It is all worth it.

Galatians 6:7-8 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.

When we feel like giving up, or we feel discouraged, we must remind ourselves that our reward is coming. We may see it today, or tomorrow, somewhere down the road, or when we enter the Lord's presence. Rewards will follow our works. Let us also remind ourselves in these tired moments to take the opportunity to find ways that are refreshing to our spirit. In doing this, we will have the strength for the day. For me, it is getting into nature. Maybe for you it may be singing and dancing that will rev up your spirit for God's purpose for your life.

Today, fellow sojourner, remember to call upon the Lord when you feel like giving up and hear His whisper in your heart – “Do not grow weary my child, do not give up or give in, for if you keep enduring, you will see what good will become of your efforts. You will see the blessings that I will bring into your life.”

On this journey together,



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