Restored Sattva

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Spring Waking Us Up

Spring has nestled in...hopefully uprooting what is dead and renewing the things worthy of being refreshed.

Spring, wake us out of our comfortable beds. Let the warm sun inspire us to pursue the things we can do today that will cause us to feel good in life; no longer dragged about by the whims of the moment. Teach us to take every breathe with intention and purpose.

I need the pace of nature to stream its way through my being, catching rays of hope that will stand behind all I put my energies to.

Maybe it’s getting to bed earlier tonight, or reading a few pages of that book you’ve been wanting to get to. Perhaps it’s spending time with a loved one without looking at the clock, or sharing a meal with a friend. Maybe there is a need to go inward, some quiet time to reevaluate your priorities and set yourself in a new direction.

What is it that you need in order to feel healthy and strong today?

Journeying together,
