
There is something a bit enticing to see earth upon a table; raw sugar cane, freshly grounded wheat berries, pecans crushed by hand, some peeled cardamom. These are some of the ingredients that went into my unleavened Ayurvedic cookies; a perfect accompaniment to any meal. By adding the sweet taste to our food, we build up shukra dhatu, the last dhatu to be fed through the food we consume. Shukra is responsible for the brightness of our person. An individual with healthy shukra can be seen with confidence, radiant skin, and inner strength. Unprocessed food properly feeds the dhatus or tissues of the body. Choosing to consume unprocessed foods and using quality items says, “ I love myself,” “I am worthy,” and “I care about how I feel.” Serving freshly cooked meals to others says, “I love you”, and “you too are worthy of love.” How powerful food can be!

It’s not just unprocessed FOOD. I’m reminded that it’s OKAY to live an unprocessed LIFE - a life that is a little messy, a little unexpected, a little wild, and naturally enhanced by living raw and authentically.

So, it’s not about never enjoying that delicious chocolate cake from the bakers, but rather the awareness we develop towards ourselves and the world around us. The awareness that allows for expansion; the expansion of our consciousness. Gone are the days when we went through life without ever considering what we are doing or why we are doing it. No, we are not held to ideals. But certainly we should hold ourselves in high regard by choosing the best fuel for our body and living unapologetically!

Journeying together,



The Pleasures of Life


Dosa Idli Batter