What Are YOU capable of?


I was exercising when it hit me, “this is really hard, this hurts, and I want to stop.” That is what I thought as I did just one more rep of tricep kickbacks with a ten pound weight. In just a few minutes later, my workout was over and I could say for sure that I tried my hardest. Then why did I have that thought come to my mind?

It’s like this, when the kitchen is a complete disaster after cooking, because Indian food takes every pan and utensil we have, and we say, “oh this is just too much, maybe I’ll do it tomorrow.” All we need is five minutes of rest after dinner to feel motivated to clean up that kitchen. It isn’t while we are in the kitchen cooking do we look at the mess and think to ourself, “I can’t wait to clean all of this up after being in here for an hour and half cooking.” And you know what, complaining about it only weakens oneself. We do the job anyways, why do we even bother to make a deal of it? Same goes for the exercise; we are going to finish it anyways, to the best of our ability, so why the discouraging remarks?

So after my workout, I sat down in my rocking chair holding my baby close to me, thinking to myself – we only have one life to live. Am I going to live it in a weakened state, or a strong state – strong state of mind, strong state of body? What am I capable of and will I ever find out? If I quite before I am ahead, no, I will never find out my potential in this area; I will never gain victory in this area. Whatever it is, let us put our full energies into whatever we do. If we do that, we will only choose those things which are worth our dedication because we won’t have energy or time for the futile (like complaining!)

So I just wanted to encourage you in the same thing – make the most of your life – get passionate about something you love doing – get serious about your health and enjoy the moments you get to feel your mind and body strengthening itself through determination and willpower. We are capable of far more than we think we are. Don’t you want to see what your potential is? Don’t you want to see all that your Creator has made you to be? You can do it, but you have to want it. Be the example to your loved ones to live a happy, healthy life. Be good to yourself and in turn you will be good for others. On another note, be good to others and it will repay you back a thousand times - He that watereth shall be watered also himself. (Proverbs 11:25)

“If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.” Jim Rohn

On this journey together,



Living a Holistic Life


How A Plant Based Diet Can Get You On The Road To A Beautiful Body And Mind