You Get to Decide

Living as an active participant in your life after having experienced tremendous emotional and mental trauma, is a huge feat. To pass through the difficulties of life and find the strength and the will to press forward, is a most worthy experience you can ever create for yourself. God has put a gift inside each one of us. To dust off the past disappointments, hurts, fears, ignorance, mistakes, and insecurities and to reach towards any hidden hopes and dreams inside of you, is necessary to have an abundant future and a life well lived. Live as a creator, alongside THE creator, of the visions and hopes He has implanted inside you. The Bible says we are workers together with Him. We have a part, a HUGE part in how our life will turn out. Whenever you find yourself living as a victim of life, just letting life happen to you, or letting life suck the joy from your usual joyful self, or being influenced negatively by others, putting your joy and trust in man, or dwelling in self-pity, just say no! I have to say no every day. Thankful for this journey, however challenging. I am so encouraged to do better, be better, and live with a passionate fragrance as fresh and freeing as crisp snowy air while holding my hands out to catch and hold every beautiful moment life gives to me and I give to myself!

Journeying together,

-Kari Prabhakar-


Joy in the Struggle


Grandma Casselli Inspired Ricotta Italian Cookies - makes great gifts!