Gentle Living Lifestyle
The Gentle Living Lifestyle Program
Can you remember a time when you felt fully alive? Maybe you’ve never felt fully alive but crave to be an active participant in your life, rather than letting life make you feel like a victim. Join hands with me today and connect to your own ability to create a body you feel good in with the powerful healing traditions of natural living and Ayurveda.
“Gentle doesn’t mean weak. In fact, it takes great strength to be gentle, yet we also gain strength whenever we practice it. Gentle is a mindset that empowers change and is the first thing I encourage in the hearts of those I work with.”
Does the word gentle appeal to you? If you seek to slow down in life, to find mental nourishing contentment and freedom from feeling stuck, this path and program is for you. Through a free 30-minute initial health consultation and the three modules of The Gentle Living Lifestyle Program, you will be embarking on one of the greatest endeavors you could ever add to your life experience. Learning the true meaning of gentleness and how that applies to living a life connected to the slow rhythms of nature, will bring your soul to wholeness more than anything else you could give your attention to. Find clarity in mind, increase your faith, develop hopes for the future, purpose in the pain, peace from the past, drop unwanted pounds, clear your skin, reduce chronic pain and depressive episodes, and find your freedom.
The Gentle Living Lifestyle is based on the four pillars of health as noted in Ayurvedic medicine and attention to nourishing the indriyas or the the five sense organs and taking care of the trigunas of sattva, rajas, and tamas as noted in the Ayurveda and yogic science. Sattva is responsible for the quality of the mind and can often be overshadowed by rajas (excess movement) and tamas (inertia or deadness). Manifestations of sattva losing its predominance include depression, anxiety, stress, rage and impaired stability and wrong interpretation of reality as seen in schizophrenia. Because the indriyas are the tools of knowledge and learning, taking care of them are keys to the doors of feeling great in life. Indriya is a sanskrit term that means to have the strength or the ability, and more specifically for the senses. You will be educated in each of the indriyas and what that means for your longevity. The actions and senses of our body are merely instruments for living this human existence. Learning to be outside the function of the indriyas is a spiritual pursuit, not everyone will take, but is the essence of what is considered meditation. Either way, the indriyas give us a foundation to work with, and great health can be as a result. We take this meditative quality of what it means to be outside the indriyas and follow natural living guidelines to strengthen the trigunas appropriately, to strengthen our work in life. By incorporating a rational treatments using herbs and nutrition, you have the chance to feel the difference in your mind and body in just 7 days.
It has always been the simple things that have helped me through very trying times. With having watched my mother struggle her entire life battling depression, self-doubt, insecurity, and the pursuit of love, experiencing her tragic death while raising my family alone with my husband, living with chronic pain, all while finding myself fighting the things my mother struggled with as I got older, I wanted to develop a program that taught others the very things that changed my life. Natural living has run through my blood for the last 8 years of my life and throughout that time I have noticed that the things I struggled with were the very things that others did as well. As the saying goes, rescued people, rescue people.
A building with ten doors. There are five “entrance senses” (jnanendriyas) that feed our mind with information of the exterior world: the eyes, ears, nose, tongue and skin. There are five “exit senses” or sense actions (karmendriyas) that function as our means of outward expression: mouth/speaking, hands/grasping, feet/walking, genitals/procreating, and rectum/excreting.
In yoga there are several techniques for controlling and restraining the indriyas. By restraining the senses we can move the body, mind and spirit towards harmony and balance. By bringing awareness to an usually unconscious process we can discover hidden truths, uncover unconscious patterns and experience a fuller sense of reality.It is not only the object we experience with the indriyas, but more importantly the senses with which we are experiencing and when we are able to withdraw the senses to come into the mind itself without interference, we are able to live more consciously, more meditatively, more gently. By cultivating an awareness of the indriyas in daily life, the awareness learned will go in serving to break old habits and to create new habits that support where you want to be in life. Knowing the indriyas is just as powerful as knowing you exist beyond the indriyas. Simply understanding you are more than the senses of your body helps us get beyond the self-judgment many of us hold onto, which keeps us from getting beyond diet and lifestyle struggles. Enter into freedom - come join me today.
The trigunas of rajas, tamas, and sattva play key roles in overall wellness and will be explored in depth and nourished in this program.
Learn deep healing concepts and practical skills that will empower you to transform your health.
This is a lifestyle program. This means there is no end date. However, there is accountability, adjustments, and new insights to always be made. Those who are part of The Gentle Lifestyle Program will have access to The Gentle Living Lifestyle Facebook page as well as bi-monthly, online zoom meetings where discussions, questions, and community will prove so healing as we engage with others who are on a similar path.
As you take the time to bring yourself through module 1 and 2, you will increase your own self-awareness and be given the personal power to overcome past traumas and experiences so that you can overcome whatever struggles you are facing. The healing modules will enable you to make healthy choices while encouraging self-confidence and self-worth.
Module 1
Transforming and enlightening prompts that will take where you are now and bring you to where you want to be.
Be given the space and guidance to form in the mind and consciousness, the things of the past that need to be let go of, the things that need to change and the ability to clarify your priorities. Be empowered to accept your starting place.
Module 2
Natural solutions to your most troubling confusions related to diet and lifestyle.
Connect to your unique life through natural living guides, learning to savor and embrace even the most trying moments of the day with grace and a contemplative mindset.
Module 3
Your feedback from module 1 and 2 will be assessed. We will then work together to develop a wellness plan that will have you, not only reaching your goals, but guiding you towards longevity.
Awaken your body’s innate ability to heal from nagging symptoms, chronic pain, depression and instability through self-care practices of a daily routine and a sustainable diet unique to your life. Truly, we are responsible for creating how we experience life.