Restored Sattva

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A Cry For Contentment

A dissatisfaction of life is directly related to a self-centered soul. There is freedom in believing that our life is in the hands of God because we have turned it over to Him. Therefore, we can believe that our life is patterned as He would have it. We can choose to believe this and if we find we are discontent with our lot, then we will find that we are discontent with God. If we are content with our lot, then we will find we are content with God. If we grumble and complain, we are actually grumbling and complaining against the Lord, our creator. Indeed we are in need of repenting –

“Lord, deliver my soul from the glutton of this world, from the discontentment in my heart. Help me to see that I have lack of no good thing when I am in the communion with you. Help me to trust that any need or desire I do have that it may be blessed of you to me as you see is fit in my life, timing, and my readiness and willingness to serve you and glorify you with it. I understand that your primary goal is to create in me a prosperous spirit and a likeness of your character – may I learn to dwell more in your peace and bare your goodness. Only then would any pleasures of this world cease to overtake me and thus be truly enjoyed with you, not apart from you. Then would my attention come off of myself and fixate on your beauty. Then would life be worthy of my every breathe.”

On this journey together,
