Are they toxic, or just human?

Many people are building walls in their life as a way to guard themselves from what the world is now calling “toxicity.” I am offering a different view.

We are all human, prone to failures and in need of love, understanding, and support. We need people who don’t let people go so easily. We need to let go of the fear that so tightly binds us from amazing life experiences and relationships. I truly believe that growth begins not when we build the walls that we think keep potential dangers out of our lives, but when we actually take down the walls in order to invest ourselves in a meaningful life. We speak so much of self-love and loving thyself. Yet, if we give up on our neighbor, we’ve essentially given up on ourselves. Here’s to taking down the walls, and being brave enough to make loving and lasting impressions in the lives of others, because everyone is worth it.

Taking the time to make others feel recognized, acknowledged, and loved is a life worthy to be lived. It’s self-love in its truest sense. A beautiful reminder that we are connected. We are more alike than we are different. We are neither above nor below. And as we reject others we reject something in ourselves. When we accept others, we accept ourselves🌷

people don’t need to be perfect to be loved.

Journeying together,



I Pursue Love


Intuitive Cooking