I Pursue Love

Love can be a beautiful feeling. It conveys acceptance, desire, loyalty. It brings out of us vulnerability and trust while quenching our souls need to love in return. Yet, love is not just a feeling. In fact, more than a feeling, love is a willing to sacrifice - to give up something precious for something greater. Giving rather than getting. Losing rather than gaining. And realizing rather than possessing; a surrender of the will. This is for all loves - romantic, friendship, neighborly love. Love is the greatest attainment in the world - to love and be loved, truly the soul wants nothing more. We are always seeking love, seeking acceptance and passion, whether we realize it or not.

Love and be loved. The be loved part means to receive the love that others are trying to give to you even it means a stranger allowing you to go ahead of them in line. It means to not self sabotage yourself by pushing love away.

To love is learning to be a living sacrifice, as Jesus Christ was and in how he proved God’s love for us by His suffering on the cross for mankind’s sins. God has shown His love to us in this. It transcends all love. I take this example and work at giving love as freely as I have received it because after all - love heals.

-Kari Prabhakar-


My Lasagna - My Freedom


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