“BUT GOD…” - A Poem


The enemy may have thought he could destroy her by giving her a childhood of struggle and sorrow... BUT GOD had a plan for her. Today, I am living that plan. And no enemy can take it. God’s plans will always triumph the enemies, if we make the space in our lives for His handiwork.

I love the words, “BUT GOD.” Listen to this,

“I made a mistake..BUT GOD has forgiven me.”

“I’ve lost my way.. BUT GOD will show me the way.”

“I have sickness and am troubled...BUT GOD is with me, I will not be given to fear.”

“I’ve been misunderstood..BUT GOD is my vindicator.”

“My life has been a series of hardships..BUT GOD has a plan.”

How about this one -

“I’ve created a life for myself..BUT GOD can make it even better yet!”

Create, BUT GOD, statements for your journey, and find yourself being carried into a life you can relax into with complete confidence and joy. I am always reminded that my journey cannot and will not be understood by others because it’s mine! I’ve walked along the pebbles with my own bare feet, withstood the hardships with my own mind, bore the pains in my own body, ventured daily with courage and bravery. No one BUT GOD will truly understand all it has taken for you to be where you are today, as He is the only one who has walked the road with you. BUT GOD is taking all the “past” and preparing so much more! I may have disappointments in life, BUT GOD isn’t finished yet and neither am I.

-Kari Prabhakar-




Tiramisu - reminds me of love