Restored Sattva

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Facing challenges

We all face challenges in life. The sooner we realize that life is not always going to be easy or filled with excitement and fulfillment, the sooner we can learn to embrace life for what it is and to work with what we do have. We may think our situation is unique to us but in fact there are many more in the world that are most definitely going through something similar. Suffering is made less, not when we hide, but when we join hands. Even still, knowing we aren’t alone in how we feel and knowing it’s okay if at times life requires a bit more fight, can be a great help in relieving our suffering. Let suffering have its way in you, as it serves a purpose greater than we may understand right now. A reminder that even in the pain, there is great purpose to be found. Be encouraged!


Was the day so busy with “doing” that you stuffed away all your smiles? Maybe you made sure to smile at others because you felt you needed to as part of a norm. Smile at yourself before going to bed tonight. Show yourself some love in all you were able to be today, accepting where you are in your abilities, and filling yourself with hope for all that is yet to be. God bless the beautiful soul reading this.


Let’s put our magnifying glasses down and just live and let live. Enjoy the ride called LIFE! Keeping this attitude towards life and others is so healing and freeing! Make sure to include yourself!!


Only you know why you do the things you do. Only you know what is required to get yourself up out of bed in the morning. Allow only so much to be spoken into your life. Never leave your own voice behind.

Journeying together,
