Herbal formulations

Ayurvedic living exemplifies the use of plants to assist in bringing balance to ourselves. It is a privilege to have the knowledge of plants and to use this to bring more Sattva, or wholeness and purity into life. This blend pictured has some wonderful elements for supporting joint health, circulation, cholesterol, blood pressure and cardiovascular health, pitta calming herbs as well as adaptogens for calming vata related stress, skin and hair health, as well as plenty of immune supporting antioxidants. Plants have intelligence and that intelligence is imparted to us when we consume them. They can be the thing that will bring lasting change to ones body. Choornas or a blend of several herbs, work on a cellular level, bringing balance to the doshas, strengthening Agni, supporting organs, tissues, and joints, nourishment of the colon and support of toxin elimination, working to change us emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Some herbs help calm vata where there is vata aggravation (the air element where too much makes us dry, constipated, and spacey), while others reduce pitta (excess resulting in anger and irritations) or excess kapha (excess results in weight gain and sluggish bowels, etc). The herbs are seldom ever taken alone but rather in blends, working synergistically to bring deep healing.

As I continue learning to blend my own choornas, I’m excited to be able to take this knowledge and pass it along to others so that they too can make choornas for themselves. For what is Ayurveda but the ability to take care of ones own health. And if we have knowledge yet don’t use it, to what benefit is it? Knowledge is there and then there is the power of choice. It is in recognizing our own power within where healing begins. I saw my mother give up on herself and on life. I do not want to ever give up on myself and I don’t want anyone to give up on themselves. It is in our daily choices that will take us closer to where we want to be and where we want to go in life and as an Ayurvedic Counselor, I get to help people make the choice to stay, to fight, and to win.

Journeying together,



Facing challenges


Our True Nature