Our True Nature

In life, there are many choices to make. Some choices put goodness into us, nourishing our journey of feeling well in life, while some choices take us away from experiencing our fullest potential, our true self. Finding the things in life that fill our heart with purpose-this gives us the strength to make choices that are in our best interest. Health is more than what we do or do not put into our mouth or how much physical exercise we get. It is much more so in the way we think, what we talk about, how we relate to others, what we meditate on, how we live and these are all affected by our beliefs about life, the company we keep, movies we watch, songs we listen to, books we read, the energy we are around...all things that are somewhat within our control. When we take the first step towards healing our inner man, one of the best habits to establish and work towards is utilizing our power of choice and choosing to be one that lives in the land of the living the Bible talks about - the place of peace and joy, purpose and hope. Using our power of choice will engage us in our life, rather than life making us a victim of circumstance. The land of the dead is our old self, stuck to its old ways, old habits, our failures, our old choices, lack of passion or goals, no faith, no hope, lost confidence, choices that have made us feel bad about ourselves. Today, decide for yourself what things in your life are taking you closer to who you want to be and what things are taking you further away from your true self. Maybe some changes are in order. We dwell in the land of the living when we are most ourselves, our true nature. And this nature.. we will find it when we are our most happiest and content. Our true nature is the one that resembles most our creator, his character that is so filled with love, patience, and peace ...because after all, it is He who has made us and not we ourselves.

Journeying together,



Herbal formulations


Living My Best Life NOW