Restored Sattva

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How A Plant Based Diet Can Get You On The Road To A Beautiful Body And Mind

Have you ever considered a plant based diet? The first time I heard about it I thought to myself, “no, that’s just some fad or some groupie thing.” I was in desperate need to feel better and knew that the food I was choosing was lacking and the way my body was feeling was also lacking. I came upon research describing the way nature (Thank you Lord) has provided us with everything our body needs to live. I have slowly changed my eating habits, one day at a time and today, it has become the pillar of my health being restored.

In the word “diet” I mean “a way of eating.” I understand that “diet” for some means something entirely different. There are so many “diets” out there to try to help people achieve what they want - Low Fat, No Fat, Atkins, LA Weightloss, Macrobiotic, Raw Food Diet, Paleo Diet, The Nutrisystem, Weight Loss Pills, Detox Diets, The Cabbage Soup Diet, and yes, the 3-Hour Diet. There are so many more and I think it confuses so many people as to what is best for them. I think when we learn to see food for what it really is, our life source, then we can see it more simply, we will eat accordingly, and we will never ever have to try these short term “diets” and put mind and our bodies through agony. The way we eat is critical to our long term health and every bite we eat should be chosen with discernment because that is where our future health lies, bite by little bite. When we discover what our bodies were made to thrive on, we will no longer be confused. There will be no reason to have to “diet” when our diet (way of eating) causes no extra weight gain or health problems.

A plant based diet is one that is mainly made up of any and all things found in nature that is grown and simply prepared. It includes vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. It excludes dairy, meat, eggs, and foods that have been processed such as refined flours, oil, and refined sugars.

Living and Dead foods. Yes, there is such thing. Living foods are those that are consumed in a condition that is close to their original, living state. Think of fresh picked grapes vs. processed and pasteurized “grape” juice or corn on the cob vs. creamed corn in a can; the list could go on. The point is, when we choose “living” foods to put into our body, I believe we are taking upon ourselves the life the plant has to offer. If it has life energy to give to growing a beautiful, delicious, healthy fruit or vegetable or seed, then it also has life energy to provide my living body with essential health. Research on sprouts and see just see what life that little beginning growth give to your growing body! A seed in the midst of sprouting into something bigger, is at its peak of nutrition and so healthy for the body.

Whether we decide to eat these whole foods raw or lightly cooked is up to a person’s preference, keeping in mind some things are better digested when cooked and others are better eaten raw as the enzymes remain, which make all the chemical reactions between our cells possible. The idea remains the same, to retain the foods nutrients so that it provides our body with all that it has to offer.

Weight wise, we could never overeat on fruits and vegetables because they do not have enough calories to make us overweight and the living vitamins and nutrients is only making our body healthier. I think we all feel better when we consume fresh foods over foods that are processed or not originally found in nature, such as vegetable oil (you can’t go pick that off a tree). Our bodies were built to sustain on these living foods. Most diseases come from the fat and cholesterol consumption of other animals. Consider this, our body produces cholesterol. When we consume animal products, we are taking in extra cholesterol.

Eating a plant based diet has changed my life so much. I have incorporated green smoothies into my every day which provides me with more greens and vegetables in one day than I have ever consumed in my entire life. I am married to an Indian man so that has become a huge blessing in my life as it pertains to food, because everything we eat is freshly made and comes from a whole food, completely unprocessed and includes a variety of vegetables , stone grounded wheat, lentils, legumes, beans, and medicinal herbs and spices.

Protein. The topic is bound to come up. A plant based diet has all the protein we need. Protein is found plentifully in lentils and legumes, beans and greens. It has been shown that too much protein may actually be leading towards ill health and disease.

It is proven that those who change their diet to a plant based diet see noticeable and written proof of their cholesterol and blood pressure improved; cancers have been reversed, heart disease kept at bay, and diabetes patients off their medication.

Personally, I believe a plant based diet is the most healthful to the body. For me, eating a plant based diet the majority of the time leaves room for the exceptions I make when with friends and family. I want to be thankful to God for the food He has given me. If you haven’t tried a plant based way of eating, I encourage you to include more fruits and vegetables into your day, include a few aw nuts and seeds for snacks and if you are wanting the animal products, at least try to keep them as a side and not the host of the meal.

Journeying together,
