“I’m gunna…” - A Poem

“I’m gunna…”

No more whining. I’m gunna sing.

No more questioning. I’m gunna accept.

No more doubting. I’m gunna praise.

No more comparing. I’m gunna love.

No more trying. I’m gunna do.

I’m gunna still cry; it’s refreshing.

I’m gunna still honor myself; I’m worth it.

I’m gunna still fail; I’m human.

I’m gunna still laugh; it’s freeing.

I’m gunna still climb; but I may never want to reach the top. I remind myself that life is in the journey, not in the destination. Though I know my ultimate home is heaven, once I reach the top in this earthly life, what more is there?

I’m gunna keep striving; it gives me purpose.

I’m gunna do it. I’m gunna be brave. I’m gunna put one foot in front of the other. I’m gunna embrace my perfectly imperfect soul. I’m gunna lift up my head. I’m not gunna worry what you think. I’m gunna be me so you can be you. I’m gunna keep my passion burning. I’m gunna keep my hands open. I’m gunna let the love in as easily as I’m gunna let the love out. I love me. I love you. If I am learning to love my flaws, I am going to learn to love yours. If I am going to be patient with myself, I am going to be patient with you. As I pursue my own interests, I’m going to be interested in your interests. I’m gunna live this life and in living my life to the fullest, I cause those closest to me to live their lives to the fullest. Yes. I’m gunna live. I’m gunna dance. I’m gunna feel. I’m gunna want. I’m gunna hate. I’m gunna trip. I’m gunna fall. I’m gunna get up, and smile through it all. This is all part of the human experience and I’m gunna experience it. God is with me. Yes, I’m gunna live life with abandonment. “I’m gunna...”

-Kari Prabhakar-


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