Restored Sattva

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Joy in the Struggle

As I get older, I realize the difficulties of life seem to only increase. What never bothered me as a young girl, seem to proliferate my mind as an adult. Things I never struggled with as a teen, I find myself struggling with as a growing young women. The fight this life requires is sometimes too heavy. Toby Mac shares the truth-scars come with living. There are countless souls who, like me, have known a challenging life, having experienced abandonment, broken homes, been conditioned to mental instability and physical challenges, conditioned to see the negative, wrestling with the spiritual realm; the list continues. This reality illuminates my soul-locking arms with those who are also desperately striving towards feeling fully alive in their life and overcoming things left behind from past generations. No longer do I see life as something that belongs to me, hidden or protected from exposure or anything to boast about as if I had anything good apart from my Creator. Rather, I take glory in my struggles as the Lord encourages us to do, so that we may feel the power of God upon our lives, enabling us to do more than we ever could alone. And that’s just the thing. We aren’t alone. Life is meant to be shared. Exposed. Messy. Letting our brokenness show, and allowing sweet redemption to come in. As God continues to bring healing to my life, to my person, I find the stillness. The stillness that allows me to be unhindered in the steps I take in this life, allowing me to rest from my wrestling with self. Stillness that reminds me who I am and where I am going, that continues to open my soul to deeper meanings of life. Able to step out past failings or misfortunes with the boldness and courageousness of a lion and lioness. If I can find that stillness, I have that space to offer someone else-to guide them into finding that stillness for themselves. It’s in this stillness where we find healing. Jesus is the great physician, the greatest physician in the history of mankind. That’s not news. But how awesome that He calls us along to be a part of the healing.. the healing that is so loudly calling out around us.

Journeying together,
