Restored Sattva

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Learning To Be Simple With Food

Sometimes we make food too complicated. I grew up thinking breakfast was cereal or pancakes, and lunch was a sandwich, and dinner was a casserole but once you start seeing food for what it really is, a source of nutrition and energy, food becomes something different. Now I can see a beautiful dish stewed fruits for breakfast, a simple bowl of lentils and basmati rice for lunch and a bowl of soup for dinner. Food is partly a personal and social enjoyment but it is also about getting good food into your body so that it feels good to live in.

Who wants to feel bogged down all day because of poor food habits? I have felt that way so many times throughout my life by eating the wrong things at the wrong proportion. Listening to our bodies is a habit that is worth learning. Just because its breakfast or lunch time does not mean we have to eat. When lunch time rolls around, ask yourself these really simple words – Am I hungry? If you’re not, just sip on some water until you are feeling a little famished and then eat until you’re not hungry anymore (not until your completely full). This is a great feeling; a feeling of wanting to conquer the world instead of plopping on the couch.

Does it take sacrifice? Sure it does! Who doesn’t want a sweet treat after eating or after coming home on a Friday night with a movie in tow? Well, let that sweet treat be a juicy peach or a dry fruit ladoo, or half a cup of warm milk. The sacrifices you make today will show up tomorrow in how you feel, look, and function. Keep making those healthy sacrifices and your reward of health will be noticeable in a very short amount of time.

I have a simple food that I have found is easy when in a bind - boil sweet potatoes until you can stick a fork into it very easily, peel it, smash it with a fork and sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on top. It is very satisfying.

Another simple food I enjoy is a light stir fry of vegetables - zucchini, carrots, and bok choy, maybe a little onion and tossing it with some pressured cooked black beans that have been in water seasoned with bay leaf, cumin powder, mineral salt and pepper.

Sometimes all you need to do is cook some broccoli in a little bit of sesame oil and water and add it to some steamed cumin rice.

Think of simple ways you can prepare your foods and simply eat them. Sometimes food can be very simple!

Journeying together,
