Love within a bite

/love within a bite

The richness of time spent preparing food in the kitchen, eating with family and sharing with friends; the feelings of acceptance and belonging... It is a sacred place we can choose to hold for ourselves; a sacred space we can hold for someone else - enriching our senses, lifting our spirit, and healing us from fears.

Savoring the bites while savoring the blessings of life..taking notice in everything that really matters - the simple and the small things that are around us right now, reminding us that we are an eternal spirit.

It’s always a good time to return to humble simplicity. A slow, conscious lived life, one focused on soul experiences rather than desire and lack. These Ayurvedic cookies made with freshly grounded grain, ghee, green cardamom and lightly sweetened with maple syrup reminds me of exactly this. Such simplicity in these unleavened cookies. Sure, my husband may not like them because they don’t taste like what we think cookies should taste like - super soft and sweet. That’s okay. This reminds me that in life we will be offered experiences that are different than we imagined and it doesn’t make those experiences any less significant in making us who we are becoming. It also reminds me to slow down and savor each bite and each moment life gives me. This is where I want to be greedy - in absorbing everything and every experience life has for me without shame and without regrets! I’m going to remember these things next time I take a bite of food prepared with simplicity and love - there is love, life, Magic, and opportunity to see beyond, all within a bite.

Journeying together,



Victim-Free Living


I am Confident