Releasing Weariness

Does it all feel like just too much? Are you tired of feeling the pain? The exhaustion? Tired of pushing only to feel defeated? There are people depending on you. You are depending on you. But you, are tired.

Can you just rest a moment?

Lay your body down. Bring your mind to the sounds around you. Even to the pain you’re feeling. Feel it. Consider the blessing in disguise for what you’re going through.

Being tired, feeling burned out, brings us to feeling what the Bible calls weary.

And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Galatians 6:9

I look at this verse and I think to myself - I can’t just read that as if the words are empty nothings. I read it as if it’s filled with power because they are words by the breathe of God and therefore I need faith to believe what it says.

“In due season, we will reap if we do not give up.”

Instead of thinking, “what is the point?”

Think this, “I will live each day the best that I can. Good things are happening inside and around me. I will see better days.”

If you look up the word weary, here is what you’ll get - Weary: tired, exhausted, dismayed, drained, tired out, worn out, fed up, to lose patience. It could even mean “burn out" as many of us are feeling today. And considering all of the responsibilities, and the pressure of culture and society and judgment of self, it is no wonder we grow weary.

The opposite or antonym of weary is “fresh” or “re-freshed.”

But how to achieve that when the mind is constantly grappling and longing for the drive-through-window results?

It may seem that, just when you think you are on top, you fall to the bottom. Just when you think you have it all figured out, have all the strength, the determination, the know-how, the will, the control, you hit stone and rubble. But it isn’t true. Life is dynamic. There will always be foundational shifts and opportunities for failure and growth.

Whatever it is you are going through, growing through, releasing, forgiving, accomplishing, accepting - keep at it. Keep a fresh perspective in the middle of the overwhelm and trials. Rest and refresh yourself in the truth of who you are apart from what you do or what you are becoming.

Can you bring healing into your space through music, candles, oils, nature, closing your eyes for a moment? To refresh your senses, those weary senses. Invigorate them.

God doesn’t ask us, He essentially tells us - do not grow weary. Easier said then done? Remember, even in the middle of your failures, in the middle of the struggle - even when it seems you’ve lost the hope or determination to obtain your goals or to just get up out of bed every day - don’t give up.

When you’ve been working so hard towards a goal,

when you see no results,

when you no longer believe - this is when you need to rest and refresh in the truth of God. You can find Him in the nature - connecting yourself with it and allowing the winds of His spirit to sweep through your soul - connecting you to truth and releasing the hopelessness and the overwhelm - and instead being reminded of eternal purposes for what you’re going through.

When you are so close to throwing in the towel. Don’t.

Don’t grow weary in physical chronic pain or depression, stress or anxiety. Strength of body starts when strength of mind.

Don’t grow weary of your unknown path - it is the very thing that is showing you the way.

You’ve been doing good. You’ve been successful, prevalent, determined, anticipating, driven. Don’t forget your triumphs.

Don’t grow weary in doing this amount of good. Your reward is coming. You have sown good things and there is a bounty harvest to reap in time

You can persevere through the troubles you face. You can. Start thinking of ways you can make it work rather than reasons why you can’t. Our struggles are the very thing that shapens and sharpens us beyond physical ability. It is our spirit that needs strengthening in this uncertain world.

Strength is becoming a knitted part of you with every decision of yours to keep going.

Sure, you may not see any changes or maybe not enough changes in return for your vast amount of effort, but it doesn’t mean nothing is happening. Ten years from now you will be paying for the choices you made today.

Keep going. It is all worth it.

Remember to call upon the Lord when you feel like giving up and hear His whisper in your heart – Do not grow weary my child, do not give up or give in, for if you keep enduring, you will see what good will become of your efforts.

If we quit, we will never know of what could be. If we keep going, there may be pain, but there will also be beauty. Live for that beauty. Live in that beauty.

Journeying together,



Creating Your Own Definition of Health


Self-Discipline - for the purpose of purification & healing