remember yourself

In remembering myself,

I pause.

I wait.

I contemplate.

How am I feeling in my body?

I ask myself before I eat.

What portion am I needing?

(Not am I wanting)

Do I want this heavy chai with an already heavy breakfast?

Just because it’s “how it’s done” doesn’t mean it’s how I need to do it.

Perhaps I want a light tea, a clear tea with my breakfast. It feels lighter.

I will enjoy my chai alone, away from food today.

Yes, that feels better.

How am I feeling in my mind right now?

Do I need to pause?

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

Do I need to hug my child?

They need it.

I need it.

Do I need to sit before I do the next needful thing?

Do I need to push past my feelings and embrace the blessing of being alive, even if the mind says it’s all too hard?

Yes, the body needs enjoyment.

Yet, there is no enjoyment if my soul is sick.

If my soul is sick with self.

With over consumption.

Of food, of thoughts, of negativity.

With neglect of my vessel.

I want to feel light.

Grounded, but light.

Not heavy, not sick, not stuffed.

I remember myself.

When I consume.

Food and drink.

I like eating on the small plates

And from the small cups.

It feels lovely,


I remember myself when I consume.

Television. Too much scary, too much crime,

makes me fearful.

I want to be hopeful.

I want to be filled with light.

I remember myself when I converse with others,

When I conduct my life throughout the day.

What am I growing with my habits of behavior and thoughts?

I hope something good.

I remember myself when I scan my body in moments of meditation.

Nourishing rituals like these

Remind me that I am an eternal spirit.

Not happy with how things are turning out?

Had some setbacks?



Dealing with things you cannot change?

Physical. Mental. Emotional. All of it?

It’s temporary.

A foreshadowing of better things to come.

A preparation.

Don’t get too caught up in the things that will one day pass away.

Turning our energies to the lasting expressions of the soul.

God has so much planned for those who love Him.

In what ways are you remembering yourself?

We’re on this journey together.

You are not alone.



Creating the space for healing


Saying no to Social Media (and 6 truths that will set you free)