Restored Sattva

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Self-Discipline - for the purpose of purification & healing

You either shy away from the word discipline, or you welcome it into your life like a good old friend. I honor the word self-discipline, for the word itself is royal. It has always been something to admonish, something to adhere and aspire to.

Disciplines purify us. They enrich us with the best, leaving behind the worst. They remind us what is important. When we create a routine for ourselves and our family, we are saying, “you are worthy of a life well lived. You are worthy of this mental stability and emotional calm that comes when we are not given to the whims of the moment.”

Disciplines heal us. The very nature of doing things we don’t necessarily want to do humbles us, rectifying disease or bad habits that run dormant throughout our mind body system. Healing usually becomes of a person who has put into place the guidelines for which way they will eat and drink and think and do.

The truth is - if you want to heal, you have to practice self-discipline. Whether we practiced it before or not, if we are trying to heal from a mental or physical struggle, we are going to have to put in the work and that requires some different daily habits and routines than maybe most people are following. To plan our work and work our plan, we have to be disciplined. It is easy to say “such and such can wait for tomorrow,: but often times tomorrow becomes years. I encourage you, me, and everyone seeking a better life and better self, to not shy away from the things that will be necessary for change.

Self-disciplines for your healing journey may include:

  • Waking consistently early to move your body in a workout and put into your spirit God’s word before the day has its own agenda.

  • Refraining from refined sugar in all forms including sodas and processed foods and instead just enjoying the foods made at home with whole ingredients, including honey or maple syrups into teas or on a spoon before meals. Occasional baked treats using quality ingredients would be nice.

  • Saying no to negativity whether it comes from others or your inner speech, before it continually deranges your mind.

  • Saying no to faultfinding in others and self and instead praising others and praising God and your own best efforts. So important for mental health and strengthening body.

  • Saying no to energy drainers - it could be social media or allowing children to whine unnecessarily or an untidy home that brings chaos to the mind. Energy drainers also come in the form of relationships and overcomplicating life mentally (guilt and regret thinking all of which are unproductive) and physical (overloading ones schedule).

Inspire yourself to lead a disciplined life, a life you can be proud of living, leading and letting others share into.

If you would like help in creating a sustainable routine for yourself or your family, contact Restored Sattva in our online consultations.

Journeying together,
