

I am reminded that who I am is enough. When I feel like a fool for trying. When I fail for the hundredth time to obey my own good sense. When I’m troubled in my mind trying to answer questions I will never have the answers to. When I worry about things out of my control. I am reminded through the pain, heartbreak, and struggles of all kinds, that I can only be me and I am the only one who can work at being the best me I can be. I need to always be willing to show up for myself, to honor myself in all the trivials and in all the significances in my life. To forgive myself and to enjoy every moment life brings. I teach my children to do the same. To own up to their actions but also to take pride in their integrity, and to never feel less just because someone doesn’t see or acknowledge their worth or because of mistakes we’ve made. There is no better you. You are you. Your the only you in the universe and it is your power. Think about that. How awesome is that? You are special. A force to be reckoned with. A spirit no other spirit can be. Your identity is not in your failings just as it is not in what you do or in your successes. Your identity is in who you belong to (your creator) and in who you are becoming; and we are always becoming, always evolving, with our souls gaining just a little more clarity than the moments before. Enjoy being you as you grow to learn more about yourself and others through the life you experience every day, influenced by the people you meet, the passions you pursue, and the wisdoms of God you enlighten your heart to. Not everyone needs to know your journey, but you certainly do. Recognize your voice inside. I know I sure am. Never in my life have I been so tempted and tried nor have I ever had the opportunity to look at myself in the mirror with as much forgiveness and gentleness as I do today. I love my journey. I don’t choose “sorry,” I choose “thankful.”

Journeying together,



cooking rice


Chamomile tea & Ghee