Restored Sattva

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Victim-Free Living

Decide today that you will make a beautiful life for yourself and then take the necessary steps to make it happen. When I decided to go back to college full time at age 30 to study Nutriton & Dietetics and study to become an Ayurvedic Health Counselor as a passionate and dedicated housewife and homeschooling mama, it was very scary and it required a tremendous amount of courage, dedication and discipline on my part. I have a very long way to go to reach many of my goals but everyday I wake up knowing exactly where I am headed. I am so glad I made that decision to follow what I felt God was calling me to do, though I could have believed doing what I’m doing is impossible. It was His way of transforming the pain in my heart. When we realize we are responsible for our life and the choices that we make in deciding how we will spend our time and energies, we no longer remain a victim of life’s circumstances. Be an active participant in your life and watch the things you can accomplish, things beyond yourself. Let God, do amazing things through you and be willing to make the necessary sacrifices. If there is something deep in your spirit, go for it! Don’t be afraid to dream big. Soon, I will be releasing into my online shop, a small yet beautiful PDF guide that I wrote on living as an active participant in life, removing the fear that is attached to stepping out beyond the self, in order to shed the layers and pride of victim identity. Keep an eye out :)

Journeying together,