Restored Sattva

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Why You Should Get A Yearly Ayurvedic Health Consultation

Good, vibrant health doesn’t just happen. It requires dedication, consistency and insight of the self.

Whether you are just starting to take better care of yourself
or have been doing so for years, having a trusted guide will ensure you are never left feeling confused or alone in how you feel in your life, your body and mind. No matter what your health condition or concerns, it is never too late to start living aligned to your goals!

Just like nature, we are always changing and evolving. What worked for us yesterday may no longer work for us today. By working with an Ayurvedic professional, you will gain the insight you need to make adjustments in your diet and lifestyle that are as unique as you are.

And though we are always changing, some things stay the same. Ayurveda - the art and science of longevity and it’s guidelines never change because it is based in nature whose foundations never change. For example the wind will always have a drying nature.

Ayurveda teaches us that the qualities within nature are also within us. By learning how to tune your senses to these qualities, you can take care of yourself better, with ease. Ayurveda understands the balance that is natural for you. By looking to the imbalances you are experiencing, we are given great insight in what you need to bring yourself back into balance, where disease is resisted.

By having your health looked at regularly, in a holistic and natural way, you will be gaining a beautiful insight, perspective, clarity and inspiration to live your best life now.

Come see how ayurveda can help you by booking a consultation today with Restored Sattva - a dedicated guide and educator in Ayurveda. Here, I take the time to listen. Here, I offer the most affordable Ayurvedic health consultations you will find anywhere. That is because I do not depend on my business for main income and because my overhead costs are low as I offer my services online. I use my many years of education and passion as a beloved hobby, to educate and consult anyone, anywhere who wants to live more naturally and understand themselves more fully.

I believe you and I believe in you.

Restored Sattva - Restored Wholeness

Journeying together,
