You are Worthy

/you are worthy

The enemy whispers for you to fear, to worry, and to give up. The enemy says you’re unworthy, you’re not lovable, or you’re too much. It’s the enemy who says, “you cannot do that,” or “you are not good enough to do that.” The enemy says, “you will never win.” It’s the work of the enemy to bring unloving, jealous, destroyers of good into your life. It’s the enemy’s goal to bring you down and snuff out all that God has made you to be. Its the enemy’s work for you to feel lonely, depressed, and isolated. It’s the work of the enemy for you to be misunderstood and to feel worthless. Yet listen to this. Our creator God says, “do not be afraid,” “this is for my glory.” There is so much value inside of you and no one has enough power to take it away because the power inside you, God’s spirit, is so much more powerful. Feel it. Believe it. You are so beautiful and worthy to feel good in life, feel like you matter to others, to feel like you make a difference; you’re worthy of having purpose, dreams, drive, and passion. No matter what you’ve done or haven’t done, you are worthy of the things that set your soul on fire. We must listen to God’s voice. We must train our mind to tune into the truths that He has established for us, the wonderful truths that we are partakers with him, and that we are of a heavenly nature, with an eternal seal through Jesus Christ. Let this be a reminder - Get to know the voice of truth, the voice that is for us and not against us. The voice telling you not to give up, that there are good days ahead and you are worthy to live every moment of it.

Journeying together,


Stepping into Newness with Spring


Sattva Within a Healing Touch