Sattva Within a Healing Touch

Building on my past, embracing my present, planning for tomorrow.

/sattva. wholeness

Healing touch. A sattvic moment.
My daughter doing my hair. Heart filled with gratefulness.

Find the sattvic moments in your day. Sattva - it is one of the mahagunas present in nature and in ourselves. They are named to express the modes of existence and learning them is helpful in identifying balance and imbalance in our lives. Sattva allows perception, acceptance, forgiveness, and understanding to become part of us. It is subtle, soft, clear, and pure. We can cultivate sattva in the mind through sattvic activities and food. Meditation, positive environments, and being in service to others all help bring us toward sattva.

What sattvic moment did you experience today?

Journeying together,



You are Worthy


Confident Woman - A Poem