Restored Sattva

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Tired of trying to heal?

What if in trying to heal, we actually are not allowing the healing?

What if when we’re not trying to heal, we are allowing the healing?

How I feel is more important than how I look but how I look comes as a result of paying attention to how I feel.

“I’m tired of living” my voice reverbating back.

What is it?

It could be the overwhelm of life in general.

It could be the pains of the past. Purely mental. Though is anything ever just one cause. No.

It could be the overwhelm of trying so hard to eat a certain way or live a certain way so you’ll “heal” your heart of break, heal your body of pain and obvious effects of illness.

All to end up still feeling hopeless?

What if we shifted our thinking away from the all in all of

“I’m healed.”

“all my hair is growing back and not falling out.”

“my vitamin levels are no longer low and I don’t have to live on prescription supplements.”

“I’m finally losing the fat rolls.”

“my face is finally clear! I don’t get pimples anymore because I take such good care of myself,” when you already feel you take good care of yourself but pimples keep coming because it’s not what you’re doing wrong. It’s something going on in the inside but what if we can feel good inside in spite of how we feel we look or how we think we should look or whatever effects we are experiencing on the outside?

That was a mouthful of thoughts but think about it.

What if we shifted our focus not on healing or thinking that healing has these specific positive outcomes.

What if we shifted our focus on just being.

I need to just be.

I need to put away the self-judgments,

The self-sabotage, the need to acquire or inquire about more of what I can do or use to feel better.

I need me and I need me right now. I need my babies. My warm, loving home. My God. My warm cup of tea on a rainy day. I need my family. Their warm embrace. This is what I need. I don’t need another ritual or another diet instruction or another helpful lifestyle tip. I just need me and this moment. To remember - I am alive. I am breathing. It’s going to be okay.

Journeying together,
