Do you need to re-commit yourself?

I stopped starting over and started continuing and it changed the way I’m healing my body.

I want intimacy with my life.

An intimacy that calls for strength in contemplation,

Strength to accept the things I cannot change,

And courage to make use of the things that I can.

It’s time to throw away the constant


The constant expectations we place on ourselves.

The healing, organic simplicity of life cannot be lived when setting a bar we cannot reach.

Life is designed from the inside out

Even if life is imperfect and there are messes and mistakes

I can go to bed knowing I am growing

I am finding my way.

Lost and afraid.


Confused and tempted isolated.

Maybe it’s time to re-commit yourself to things or create new meaning or new ideals, making space in this time of your life.

There are no mess- ups. There is only learning.

There are no failures. There is only growth.

The soul is limited when thinking stays within a box.

The soul is enlightened and it grows wings when we can step back and look objectively at our healing,

At our journey.

And allow each day to be a continuous symphony.

No more, “Monday I’ll start.”

Or, “this week I’ll eat no sugar.”

No more, “I’m going to try again. Going to start again.”

When did you stop?

You haven’t stopped. You just feel you messed up. You feel you made mistakes. You feel empowered, once again.

Empowerment feelings will come and go.

Life is an ebb and flow.

Allow the glow inside to dip and wave.

As long as you’re still breathing,

This earthly journey continues.

Everything you’ve done (and didn’t do) all matters! Don’t throw anything away.

Things I am re- commiting myself to because

No matter where we hide or how off the grid we choose to live, we still have to face ourselves.

Living consciously

For me that is asking myself, how do I grow through what I am faced with in my life right now.

Intentional living

I am determined to orchestrate my entire existence to living with intention ❦

❦ being present in whatever it is I am doing at any given moment, even in writing this short piece here!

❦ connecting to community - my family, those I meet along life’s journey, to myself

❦ commitment to purpose, defining and refining my vision and goals

❦ consuming less - in all things; food, drink, negativity, in purchases, in how much I use of things

❦ remembering to slow down - slowing down my walk, my talk, my thoughts …

It’s always a good time to return to humble simplicity. A slow, conscious lived life, one focused on soul experiences rather than desire and lack.

Where would you like to see recommitment?

Where do you need to have a voice?

Journeying together,

Kari Prabhakar


Saying no to Social Media (and 6 truths that will set you free)


What’s happening? An RS update!